Predictably perfect!
As a company focused on giving you an exceptional avocado experience, all year round, our team have spent the last few seasons raising orchards of a NEW Avocado. In fact, it’s the holy grail of Avocados.
We’re super excited to introduce the NEW GreenSkin® GMax®.

It’s the avocado that never disappoints.
Predictably perfect when cut.
Grown on our farms on the Atherton Tablelands, the GMax® has a smaller seed than the Shepard and Hass varieties. It has a thicker skin than a Shepard and a slightly pebbly exterior like a Hass. And just like our GreenSkin® Avocados (Shepard), it won’t go brown when cut and is perfect for slicing, dicing, smashing and spreading.
“For lovers of GreenSkin® Avocados, we wanted to extend the season with a predictably perfect avocado. The GreenSkin® GMax® follows on from our GreenSkin® Avocados (Shepard) and is in peak season through May, June, and July.”
When you cut open a predictably perfect GreenSkin®️ GMax®️ Avocado you’ll want to shout ‘Wooh!’
Less seed, more avo!

I’m a high fibre, low carb option, great for weight loss & controlling blood sugar levels
I’m loaded with Vitamin B to help bust your stress
I’m super high in all the good fats & antioxidants!
I'm a green skin variety and won’t change colour as I ripen
I don’t go brown when cut so I'm perfect for planning ahead
I have a firm, delicious flesh ideal for slicing and dicing in salads, wraps and as the hero in any meal

I’m a high fibre, low carb option, great for weight loss & controlling blood sugar levels
I’m loaded with Vitamin B to help bust your stress
I’m a high fibre, low carb option, great for weight loss & controlling blood sugar levels
I'm a green skin variety and won’t change colour as I ripen
I don’t go brown when cut so I'm perfect for planning ahead
I'm a green skin variety and won’t change colour as I ripen

Looking for your favourite GreenSkin® GMax®️ Avocados?