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Explore GreekSkin®
Explore GreekSkin® GMax®
Explore PurpleSkin®
Explore PurpleSkin®
Explore GreekSkin®
Explore GreekSkin® GMax®

Exceptional avocados all year round.

Simple, every day, superfood.

Taking the ordinary to the extraordinary.

We’re a family of farmers striving to improve everyone’s relationship with avocados.

We take ownership of consistent quality every step of the way from carefully selecting our land and raising happy, healthy trees, to ideal harvesting and attentive delivery.

From our nurseries to the table, every avocado is grown, picked and packed with love.

Our Story

Know your avocados
As life long learners we're about sharing the knowledge, innovating and simplifying.
Let's start with how to choose the right avocado every time...
Forget colour... the ONLY way to choose me for how you want me is to use the The Ripe Button® !
Gently cradle me in the palm of your hand and with the pad of your thumb (not the tip) gently press around my stem end.
When my Ripe Button® has no give.
No problem.
Hard Ripe
I need to ripen on the bench for 2-3 days.
Fun Tip: couple me with a banana to ripen faster.
When my Ripe Button® gives a little.
I’ll still have some spring.
Firm Ripe
I’m great for slicing or dicing… or give me a day on the bench until I’m to your liking.
When my Ripe Button® is soft to touch.
I’m waiting on you.
Soft Ripe
I’m perfect for spreading and dipping… eat me now or put me in the fridge until you’re ready!

We love to share.

Buy your GreenSkin®, GreenSkin® GMax® and PurpleSkin® Avocados today.

Ask the produce managerat your local store

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