The greatest things in life are green.
The Shepard and her Sisters, our Greenskin® Avocados, are preferred by the most discerning avocado connoisseurs for their buttery, firm, flesh which holds its form and colour, and is packed with flavour.

Our green love affair.
“We first met some 30 years ago,
and it was love at first sight.”
An exquisite, green elongated fruit that wears its heart on its sleeve, the Shepard and her Sister, our GreenSkin® Avocados, deliver every time.
If they look good on the outside, they’re PERFECT on the inside!
We take ownership of consistent quality. Every step of the way.
If I look good on the outside, I’m perfect on the inside!

I’m a high fibre, low carb option, great for weight loss & controlling blood sugar levels
I’m loaded with Vitamin B to help bust your stress
I’m super high in all the good fats & antioxidants!
I’m a GreenSkin® and I don’t change colour as I ripen
I don’t go brown when cut... I always look good!
I have a firm, buttery, flesh ideal for slicing and dicing in salads, wraps and as the hero in any meal

I’m a high fibre, low carb option, great for weight loss & controlling blood sugar levels
I’m loaded with Vitamin B to help bust your stress
I’m a high fibre, low carb option, great for weight loss & controlling blood sugar levels
I’m a GreenSkin® and I don’t change colour as I ripen
I don’t go brown when cut... I always look good!
I’m a GreenSkin® and I don’t change colour as I ripen

Looking for your favourite GreenSkin® Avocados?