Put your hand up if you love dessert!!
Okay, now put it down, you look silly sitting there with your hand up.
We love dessert too and our exceptional GreenSkin® and PurpleSkin® avocados are the perfect ingredient to make them as healthy as possible.
5 minutes prep
Serve or store
1 x PurpleSkin® Avocado – Firm Ripe
1 x 440mL can of Coconut Cream (chilled for at least 24 hours)
1/2 cup Cacao Powder (Cocoa is fine but remember it has added sugar)
2/3 cup maple syrup (this is not the time to use maple ‘flavoured’ syrup)
2 tablespoons Coconut Oil
1 tablespoon Vanilla Extract
Optional good quality chocolate buttons
- The important thing here is that you have refrigerated the Coconut Cream overnight to achieve the right consistency.
- Halve your PurpleSkin® avocado and remove the skin and seed.
- Scoop the hardened coconut cream from the can.
- For chocolate lovers, add roughly chopped chocolate chips.
- Add all ingredients to a blender or food processor and hit GO.
- Blend until perfectly consistent.
- For the best results, refrigerate for an hour – otherwise bon appetite!